I finished the composition by adding pillars to either side. This created a scene of sorts while also countering the respective forms and organic linework. It also brings to mind the idea of a stage or theater, further building potential narratives. Of course, I couldn't remove all nature, but I connected it directly to the figures by mixing in a stampede of feet that resemble the shape of the flowers, making them almost like footprints left behind, creating more movement and even a sense of time.
I'm excited to say that Summer Dance has found a new home and will be hitting the mail in the next week. Check out the site shop and use the coupon code HOLIDAY2024 for 20% all purchase through the new year!
We can always be told what to think, but to feel it, believe it, and to think for ourselves sometimes requires an invitation and also the opportunity to be free from influence.
Red Fish is available for purchase. Check out the store or contact me directly to discuss options. |